5.17. WebSearch Package

Available since version 2.0

Launch a search on any configured website using system’s default web browser.

Some search sites are already configured by default. Currently: Bing, DuckDuckGo, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, WolframAlpha, IMDB, Wikipedia, YouTube, C++, CPAN, Git, PHP, Python3 and RubyGems (this list may vary).


5.17.1. Catalog Items

This package populates the Catalog with the following items:

  • Items prefixed with WebSearch (one per configured site)

5.17.2. Configuring Search Sites

WebSearch allows flexible and fine-grained configuration. Use the Configure Package: WebSearch item to edit it (check out the Configuration chapter for an overview about how to edit Keypirinha’s configuration files).

For example, if you wish to be able to request the DuckDuckGo search engine from Keypirinha (which is already configured by default), add the following into your configuration file:

url = https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s
new_window = yes
incognito = no
history_keep = all

The first line start a new configuration section, the site/ prefix is required so WebSearch knows it is a new search site. The remaining part is the name that will be used to create a new Catalog Item. The WebSearch DuckDuckGo item will be created in this example.

The url setting (required) can hold one or several URLs (one per line). The URL must contain the search terms placeholder %s to indicate WebSearch where to insert the search terms and how to url-encode them.

The new_window setting (optional) accepts a boolean value to indicate if a search on this website should be launched in a new window.

The incognito setting (optional) accepts a boolean value to indicate if a search on this website should be launched in Private Mode (also called Incognito on Chrome).

The history_keep setting (optional) indicates if and how a search request on this website should be kept in Keypirinha’s History. It accepts the following values:

  • all indicates that the targeted web site as well as the terms entered by the user for this particular search will be kept in history.

  • site indicates that only the targeted site will be kept in history, without the actual user’s search terms.

  • none indicates that the search must not be kept in history at all.


Note that the new_window and incognito values are only hints. When you launch a search, Keypirinha tries to detect system’s default browser and insert the appropriate command line options according to the type of web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera are currently recognized). In the end, it is up to the browser to accepts these options or not.

An extra setting (args_quoting) is available to force WebSearch to url-encode the search terms in a specific way before inserting them into the final URL. By default, WebSearch detects in which part of the URL the placeholder is located. Then encodes the search terms according to this location. But some websites do not always follow the standard rules of encoding and might behave unexpectedly. This setting accepts the following values:

  • auto (default) Choose the appropriate quoting scheme according to the position of the %s placeholder in the URL.

  • quote Replace special characters using the ‘%xx’ escape. Letters, digits, and the characters _.- are never quoted.

  • quote_plus Like quote, but also replace spaces by plus signs. Multi-URL Search Site

Example of multi-URL search site:

url =


Notice the indentation of the URLs!